Thursday, 5 June 2014

张秀霞冤枉陷害卢胜彦案一隅,卢胜彦在美被控逼奸一案实属部署骗局的开始。Unveil the plan to defame Lu Sheng Yen via the plot of US court case.

SHC never sue Sheng Yen Lu with her herpes report.  张秀霞从来没采用“疱疹”报告去控告卢胜彦。

SHC never file case to challenge Sheng Yen Lu for herpes test.  张秀霞从来没有,也不敢,以控告来迫使卢胜彦去做庖疹检验。

The only court case SHC had with Sheng Yen Lu was a request made to Seattle Temple for refunding of her investment with the temple.  张秀霞唯一把师尊扯进去的案件,是向西雅图雷藏寺追讨她在寺庙的投资本金。

But SHC deliberately named the defendant as Sheng Yen Lu and not the key subject, Seattle Temple, so as to confuse the audience.  而且,张秀霞故意把答辩人题为卢胜彦,而不是关键性的西雅图雷藏寺,意图制造鱼目混珠的效果。

However, SHC could not provide any of her monetary/ bank’s to and fro transactions and records to serve as the evident of her investment.  然而张秀霞却无法交出银行财务往来账目的证据来证明她曾经做出投资项目。

In addition, her statements were flip-flops all the times such that the hearing failed to materialize a single evidence nor a fact and figure that SHC claimed, that’s why SHC could not progress her hearing to the court.  再者,张秀霞一直前言不对后嘴,证据立场完全无法成立,导致案件从审讯中无法继续跟进。

US tends to sympathize women. The US court believes that SHC could not present herself properly and gave her second chance to revisit her case using Law of Denovo, meaning treated it as an entirely new case. Thus a new hearing for SHC again. 美国司法向来同情女性,相信张秀霞无法好好的解说案情,便以Law of Denovo之列,让张秀霞再次上听审会,以全新的案件来对待和处理。

Even the temple’s lawyer also sympathized SHC and out of his initiative, the lawyer acted on his own made an offer to SHC for the US$10K cash as an option for compensation, without even consulting Seattle Temple and did not even get any consent from Seattle Temple. The lawyer apologized to Seattle Temple after that and willing to clarify this issue at all time. 甚至连西雅图雷藏寺聘请的律师也同情张秀霞,不曾问过雷藏寺的意愿,也未经雷藏寺的同意,自作主张的向张秀霞做出US$10K的选择赔偿。这名律师已经向西雅图雷藏寺道歉并愿意全天候为雷藏寺澄清这件事故。

The US legal authorities treated SHC’s case with extreme care. It is certainly not the case that SHC claimed upon the unresponsiveness of US Law and Legal Department.  美国的司法界卯尽全力,全心全意,设身处地的为张秀霞处理案件。所以不是张秀霞自称的美国司法以“不了了之”的方式来处理她的案件。

Then SHC seized the opportunity to make verbal request to her lawyer for filing rape case with Sheng Yen Lu,and at this point of time, SHC still dare not inform her lawyer that she has herpes, thus SHC never submit her herpes report to any US Law and Legal Department,this explains why SHC’s herpes report carries no legal tagged number, not even a police report tagged number. Why SHC needed to hide her herpes report from US Law and Legal department?  与此同时,张秀霞乘便向律师口头上顺便提及要提告卢胜彦强奸她,不过张秀霞这时不敢向律师提到她有“疱疹”性病的事实。张秀霞甚至不曾把“疱疹”报告上交给美国任何一个司法机构,这解释了为何张秀霞的“疱疹”报告不曾挂上美国司法列证号码,连警局的备案号码都没有。为何张秀霞不愿意在美国留下“疱疹”记录呢?张秀霞向美国司法机构隐瞒她的“疱疹”性病的动机为何?

Lawyer works on case by case basis, and thus SHC’s lawyer advised SHC to file A NEW RAPE CASE WITH SHENG YEN LU IF SHC INSISTS TO PURSUE FURTHER.  律师不会在诉讼半途中再加上另一个与主题无关的案件,便建议张秀霞,如果张秀霞有诚意,需重新开新的个案,控告卢胜彦性侵。

In fact, SHC deliberately waited until Sheng Yen Lu went for his retreat, such that he became non-contactable, thereafter SHC filed a “financial” case and named Sheng Yen Lu as the defendant.  事实,张秀霞等得好苦,终于等到卢胜彦去“归隐”了,认为卢胜彦不会再回到社会人群里头,更不可能再让人寻获之后,张秀霞便开始了金钱上的诉讼,提控西雅图雷藏寺。

However, SHC spread the rumours that Sheng Yen Lu went for hiding to escape the court case with her. 然而,张秀霞却向外散播谣言,说卢胜彦为了躲避法庭,跑去躲了起来。

Now, Sheng Yen Lu came back from his retreat since 2005, SHC still dare not file a rape case against him.  现在,卢胜彦自2005年出关了,张秀霞仍然不敢向卢胜彦做出性侵的提控。

For years, SHC’s lawyer has been calling up to SHC to open a new rape case with Sheng Yen Lu, and SHC rejected her lawyer’s offer and avoided her lawyer totally. 许多年来,张秀霞的律师一直联络张秀霞,要为她审理性侵的案件,给张秀霞足够的时间来处理新的提控。但是张秀霞却对这律师说她,张秀霞,放弃提控卢胜彦,然后完全回避这名律师。

Thats why, SHC dare not sue Sheng Yen Lu with her herpes report, not before, not after.  所以,张秀霞自始自终,都不敢,也不曾,纳用“疱疹”报告来提控卢胜彦性侵,以前不敢,以后也不敢。以前没有,以后更不会有。

The only conclusion is that, Mr. Lu never rape SHC, let alone the sexual transmission disease rumours and this is the reason that SHC could not produce any valid evidence of the rape she proclaimed, however, to facilitate her motives, she can smoke the native ones with that so called herpes report since these people can be easily manipulated, happily and willingly be.  结论只有一个,卢胜彦从来没有性侵过张秀霞,更不可能传染什么“疱疹”性病给她。所以张秀霞谎称为性侵证据的“疱疹”报告,只是拿来戏弄无知又知识贫乏的人士而已,可怜的是,许多知识贫乏的人,也是极度容易被人摆布的人,极度容易成为别人手中的棋子,被摆布后还甘之如饴呢。

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