Thursday 5 June 2014

Chong Siew Har aka SHC, don’t fool the world with your non-specific herpes test, prove that you have HSV1/HSV2! 张秀霞, 别当世人是白痴, 拿出你罹患HSV1/HSV2疱疹性病的证据!

Chong Siew Har aka SHC, don’t fool the world with your non-specific herpes test, prove that you have HSV1/HSV2! 张秀霞, 别当世人是白痴, 拿出你罹患HSV1/HSV2疱疹性病的证据!

Some highlights from:-

张秀霞 aka SHC frauds this R#99VS020441 non-type-specific generic test report as rape evidence,

But why? Just a test report to incriminate an innocent monk? Where and what about her follow up sexually transmitted diseases tests and diagnosis reports from the doctors that are enforced by US sexually transmitted disease guidelines?  She did not follow up any treatments at all? Possible? Why not upload these important documents to support her proclaimed sickness? For more 10 over years she bragged on her website, not even a treatment, diagnosis and/or payment report from her doctor/hospital/clinic ?

来啊,来看看张秀霞 aka SHC 如何用不实报告来充当性侵证据意图欺骗世人。来看看知识贫乏的人如何被人当猴儿耍。

什么目的呢?只用一个检验报告来诬蔑无辜僧人?美国性病管控机构的必要药疗方针等等加上医生的报告、复诊、费用等等,怎不见 张秀霞 aka SHC aka Chong Siew Har 上传这些非常关键的资料到网站来证明她的“疱疹”病情呢?她在她的网页含血喷人10多年,连一个 医生/医院/诊所 的 复诊/治疗/消费 之报告单据也没有?

With regards to her and her website proclaims and behaviour,  Is this possible? 以她和她的网页作风,这可能吗?

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